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For kids, Music |

HjerteLyd – Baby opera


June 11th 2022 @ 10:00


About 45 minutes


DKK 50

HjerteLyd – Baby opera

HjerteLyd is an opera for babies 0-2.5 years old and their parents.

HjerteLyd brings you into a scenery filled with colors and music, where the movements and sounds of the children become a part of the performance.

The audience sits in a circle around the small scene, where the children without effort can crawl on to the stage and interact with the musicians and the props.

No linguistic demands are from neither the children or the adults in order to experience the opera, as it is being performed by playing with sounds and words in different languages. Also children who yet are not able to speak have the possibility to experience with their whole body and all their senses.

HjerteLyd is a unique opportunity for the youngest to experience a musical and sensuous experience. An artistic journey into the land of music for the tiniest ears.

The performance focuses on making the experience easy, simpel and magnificent for the audience – both children and adults. HjerteLyd creates the wondrous room where all people in all sizes can meet art and culture – physically, sensuous and interactive.

No demands are for participating. Both children and adults with and without cultural experiences are more than welcome.
